Pacifier Woes!

I've had several parents asking this week if they really have to take their toddlers' pacifiers away because it has been recommended that it is time to do so. In both cases, the toddlers had terrible reactions. One child had a sleepless night and was inconsolable (which means the parents had a sleepless night too). The other said her child continued to be upset over days and seemed in such distress, that she finally gave it back.
My advice is not to push the issue too soon. Some children have no problem giving up their pacifiers as they move into the toddler phase, but others seem to have great difficulty with it all the way into the 3's and 4's. Pacifiers are a means of self-soothing for infants and toddlers which is why some kids hang on to them for an extended period of time. If a child has figured out other ways to self-soothe, then it's no problem. If they have not, they will feel genuine distress when their instrument for self-soothing is taken away. This problem is further exaggerated if there is any undue stress in the environment that would require greater self-soothing.
I wouldn't stress too much over this problem. Wait awhile until your child matures a bit more and try again. Meantime, give them some other object they can attach to for security like the proverbial blankie or teddy bear. Give them a baby doll with a pacifier and let them practice taking the pacifier away from the baby doll in the course of imaginary play. When they are ready, they will give it up.